Monday, June 12, 2023


After a 21 day dry spell we finally have a rainy day.
The rain has been coming down gently since last night.  As much as we wish for a downpour I know that this slow rain will let everything soak in and not a drop will run off.  This is so much needed after the many days of wildfire smoke which choked us out.  Two days ago I could still smell smoke when the wind changed.

We mowed the lawn yesterday in preparation for several forecasted days of rain (the next three days) and hopefully fresh growth.  The lawns have already dried up and burned out and are looking very ragged except for the white clover which is thriving.  You can plainly see the outline of our septic tank and we have many brown patches elsewhere. What a dust bowl!  We were both sneezing and our eyes were burning both from the smoke and the dust.

My rainwater tank was inches from being bone dry and this rain should give me weeks more water for the vegetables.


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