Saturday, July 7, 2018

Someone is Eating the Parsley - At Last

And why am I pleased that someone is munching on my Parsley?  
Because it's one of the good guys.  

A Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
We have a fair number of butterflies around.  Mostly the yellow Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.  Our native tree assortment supports them the best and I will often see three or four at the same time.  I see a Monarch now and then but my favorite has always been the Black Swallowtail.

The plants that support the Black Swallowtail caterpillars are Dill, Carrots and Parsley and I have plenty of all that so I have been waiting to find a caterpillar.  And today I found him.

In addition to butterflies, I've been supporting the bees.  But the buckwheat is starting to go to seed so it is time for the next step.  I cut two of the beds and laid the cut plants on the bed covering them with some finished compost.  This will hold them down from blowing around and start the composting process.  The root systems are pretty small so an option would be to just pull it up and lay it down.  That might be easier.  We'll see.

I have two more beds to work on.  

They aren't as far along so the bees can have them for another day or two.  

But then the bees need to move on to the flower bed I planted for them and the cucumbers.

State Fair Zinnias

Snapdragons and Border Beauty Mix Zinnias

State Fair Zinnia

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