Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Chilly Pear Tree

Last Saturday a 4-in-1 pear tree that I had mail-ordered arrived. Its a nice looking little tree, but it is fully leafed out. The wind was brutal on Sunday and I knew we had frost coming so after planting it I used bean poles to build a teepee around it to support a frost cover. Good thing too because not only did the wind not let up for three days but Tuesday it snowed on and off all day.  A driving bitter snow that at least didn't stick. I watched the poor little tree from my window, and prayed.

So far it doesn't look frost burned or too awful unhappy but transplant shock is probably an understatement! Only the one branch to the lower right looks like it got damaged by frost.  There are a few leaflets here and there that are dry and limp, but overall the tree looks remarkably healthy after its ordeal.  After all, it did get uprooted, stapled into a box and trucked across several state lines.

Another thing that happened last weekend was that I saw a cabbage moth.  I saw one again yesterday.  That meant that I needed a row cover over the cauliflower from day one.  Else I will be fighting little green worms all summer long. I had thought I might be OK to at least mid-May.  

I already had planned my hoop-house.  My husband had some leftover half inch black water pipe laying around and we always have a good supply of re-rod for projects.  We drilled into the side of the beds, tapped an eight inch piece of re-rod down into each hole and slipped the ends of the loop of water pipe over each rod.  My old frost covers are a little tattered.  I have brand new ones on order but they haven't arrived yet.

this one had to be pieced together for now
We spent yesterday, which was warm and fairly sunny, finishing up some other projects.  While I got a lot done in the garden, I didn't get my cauliflowers planted.  I did that this morning in a drizzle.  Today is actually a perfect day for transplanting.  Its fifty degrees with no wind and a constant drizzle.  Sun not predicted until Tuesday.  The transplants have been hardening off in the cold frame for a week.  No pictures of the transplants because... well, it was raining and I just wanted to get done and back into some dry clothes!  We'll discuss cauliflowers next weekend!

First and second planting of peas are up

Third planting also up.  Fourth not sprouted yet.
I have a total of seven ten foot rows planted.

The lettuce grew visibly yesterday in the sun.

This morning I uprooted some of the pots where more than one seed germinated and planted twelve more pots of lettuce.  I now have enough for two rows which will be plenty.  I've also broadcast old lettuce seed down each side of the pea rows because I couldn't resist.  The flat up on top of the photo holds Calendula seedlings that are volunteers I picked out of one bed that keeps re-seeding.

These Calendula aren't where I want them but they are free seedlings

Strawberries from dry root plants are doing well
Everything still looks a little bleak and barren.  Its still a blank slate but will soon be green and colorful.

1 comment:

  1. A cabbage moth this time of year?! (Makes me shiver.) Am I crazy, or do they seem to be arriving earlier and earlier each year?

    Your new pear tree will thank you with abundant fruit someday. Such good care you're taking of it.

    Isn't it amazing how many feet of shell peas one has to plant to get a year's supply? When I'm shelling my peas (a task I don't mind at all), I can't help but wonder how many individual peas come from our pea crop.
