Sunday, October 15, 2023

Puttering Along

I've been planting tulip bulbs and digging dahlia tubers.  Yesterday and today are rainy days, so not good digging weather.  Housecleaning weather...

Above is one little corner of the Spring Garden that is growing back from the initial cleanout.  I am enjoying the fresh young Columbine plant.  Just a little bit of new life in autumn.

I have left this geranium plant.  I had deer that decided that geraniums were yummy even when heavily sprayed with repellent.  So I finally covered it with a piece of bird netting.  Well, it began to bloom again and became so irresistible that they tried anyway.

They chomped the flower off through the netting but were unable to enjoy actually eating it.  Maybe the lack of reward will discourage them.  The flower is still gone.

1 comment:

  1. I love Marigolds, I think they are beautiful! Thank You!
