Monday, November 13, 2023

Harvesting Deer

Today we turned this...

Into this...

This year we have harvested two deer, one buck and one doe, from the back woods. Today we are working on a 10# batch of Slim Jim snack sticks.  It is in the dehydrator on the side porch right now.  We have gotten our system pretty well refined, and are well equipped, but the amount of dirty dishes that the process creates is still staggering.   Those daylily and Hosta buds sure do season it nicely.

In honor of our awesome sausage stuffer, we are having Korv for supper.

1 comment:

  1. Daylily and hosta buds to season sausage??? What a great idea. And what a great addition to your pantry stores. There's a lot to be said for developing a good workflow for big jobs like that.
