More cold and more snow. More indoor projects. My garden fence consists mainly of hog panels. With a top rail and a bottom rail, this give you a fence that is a little over four feet high. Deer can easily jump that if they choose, so we added a single wire at about six feet.
Too Many Tomatoes
My diary of gardening in Western New York
Saturday, January 25, 2025
More Indoor Projects
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
How Cold is Cold?
Friday, January 17, 2025
The Snow is Melting
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Seems like we just did this. There are not many years when we feel we have to shovel. We have never shoveled twice in one season. There is more snow up there this time than the first time. We're getting pretty efficient at this and it only took one hour to clear the house roof. We remembered to move the step to the deck this time so we could get the tractor bucket closer to the eaves and the roof rake that we purchased for the green temporary building was an excellent tool for the house roof.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
An Ounce of Prevention
When we got up this morning we discovered that we had over a foot of lake effect snow on the ground. After plowing and breakfast we went back out to find another six inches on top of that.
Potting Bench |
Strawberry Cages |
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Winter Projects
During the winter I keep a list of small projects that never seem to get done so if I have a day when I can't figure out something productive to do, I can refer to the list. Things that make the list are things like cleaning the oven or cleaning and polishing winter boots... recovering the cushions on the porch rockers. You know how it is. There are always tasks both large and small that never seem to be finished. Some of these things are still garden items.
I have as many pests in the garden as anyone, particularly those that want to eat my food before I do and I am always brainstorming new ways to out smart them. A few seasons ago I had trouble with sweet corn and then last spring I had a lot of trouble keeping mice (presumably) from eating my cucumber and summer squash seeds out of my germination tray. I like to plant the seeds in 4" pots and leave them in the garden under a little hoop house to germinate and I get better results than direct sowing. Usually.
Last year I kept finding empty holes where seeds should be each morning. I tried placing a second row cover on top of the trays and then tried hiding it in the cold frame. I even set mouse traps under the row cloth but they were only interested in fresh seeds. And once they found the snack tray they kept coming back night after night. After several rounds of seeds I resorted to bringing the tray indoors every night. I have thought of something else that might work.
This should add one more layer of defense and be easy to water through. The cage will also allow me to wrap the tray in a second layer of row cover without crushing the potential seedlings. One more project checked off the list.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Feels Like Actual Winter
Our past two winters were very mild for our area. I heard many people say "I wish it would just get cold and stay cold" because the freeze/thaw cycle turns driveways into skating rinks. Just when you get things plowed and packed down and manageable, it would all melt into a sheet of ice and then disappear completely and we would have to start all over again.
Darn it... no False Cypress snack tonight. Maybe tomorrow night? We'll check back. |
It sure would be nice to eat a fresh, green, Primrose salad... |