I have row covers set up everywhere. Its not exactly a quaint, picturesque, potager. Things look much more ~ industrial. But I'm tired of messing around with a few things. And once you figure things out, you repeat the process. My first planting of sweet corn came up fine and dandy. The second planting, not at all. I think the mourning doves found it. I saw Mr. Mourning Dove roosting on the garden shed overnight. He probably had baby corn sprouts for breakfast each morning before I got out there. I had already reordered the corn seed and since it was showing "out for delivery" today, I attacked the bed with a rake and did not find a single. solitary. corn seed. Sunofah... I replanted it and I covered it well with hoops and a floating row cover.
Bed #1: Cole Crops growing (set out 4/15) |
Bed #2: Replacement Strawberries growing and room for extra Cukes A spare tomato plant and Ranunculus flowers blooming |
Bed #3: Summer Squash transplanted 06/06 and 06/08 |
Bed #4: Cantaloupe transplanted today 06/08 |
Bed #5: two rows of Bush Beans coming up slowly |
Bed #6: Pole Beans planted around 06/03 Center treated with pre-emergent corn gluten experiment to keep down weeds |
Bed #7: Peas planted with Lettuce (4/15 and 4/29) |
Bed #8: Peas planted with Lettuce (3/15 and 4/1) Peas flowering and lettuce harvesting |
Bed #9: Sweet Corn planted 5/20 Some fill in seeds protected from Mr. Dove with baskets
Last year I had great luck protecting my second cucumbers with a row cover. Last year's first planting was defeated by cucumber beetles and died before they really had a chance to flower. This year I went straight to the covers. I have a row down each side. Two varieties of slicers and two varieties of pickling cucumbers. I need to make sweet pickles this year.
Bed #10: Slicing and Pickling Cucumbers transplanted 06/08 |
Bed #11: Sweet Corn replanted today 06/08
Bed #12:Soil warming for Bush Cucumbers (seeded in pots 5/22) |
Example of tomatoes |
Peppers really greening up and flowering |
some Potatoes |
Sweet Potatoes and Carrots |
Today was entirely taken up by transplanting and engineering protection from current and potential threats. You can't get complacent. You never know when a new bird or insect will discover the goodies and have a feast in the early morning before you even leave the house. You have to observe the signs and come up with a plan tout de suite. Unless we can somehow cover the whole thing with a bio-dome I will have to cover things one bed at a time.
You've got this down!
ReplyDeleteYep! Yep! And yep! Everything looks happy and warm.