Wednesday, January 22, 2025

How Cold is Cold?

On a day when most of America is suffering unusual cold and snow, I thought you all might be curious about our weather.  The snow has stopped, the sun is out, but the tradeoff for clear weather is extreme cold.   This is one of the rare days when we are hunkering down.  With that wind chill factor ~ No morning walk today.  My husband did about a third of his walk and came back in.  I walked Monday morning when it was in the single digits, and when the wind hits you it cuts through any face covering you can come up with and gives you an ice cream headache.  I am going to stay in and finish ordering seeds and seed starting supplies.


  1. We won't even reach freezing here in No. Utah today. But at least the sun is shining. Your temps are UNREAL! Brrrr . . .

  2. Wind chill can be a BEAST for anyone outside. Fortunately, it hasn't been much of an issue here...yet.
