Monday, July 27, 2020

Nothing to do?

I have to say the absolute BEST gardening day is waking up on a Saturday morning thinking "There is nothing on my gardening to-do list!  
Maybe I'll just sit and enjoy looking at it."
So we made Bloody Marys, put up the patio umbrella, and sat at the end of the horseshoe/corn hole "pits" and admired the garden.  Of course you know that something gets done.  You just can't look at it and not see something that needs to be taken care of.

First you pick everything that has to be picked.  Next thing you know you are watering the sweet potatoes and dead-heading the Portulaca.  But not having it on a list makes it so much better.

The Okra is just beginning to bloom.
I grow these mostly for their flowers.
I am not too impressed with my pole beans so far so imagine my surprise
when I went to tie them up and found this

The sweet corn is in a reproductive flurry of tassels and pollen

The Brussels Sprouts are just beginning to form
And look at this fancy spider web. The zig-zag stitches up the center are a nice touch.  The next day she had moved the entire web straight up above the door about a foot to a safer location with less traffic and created an exact replica, zig zag stitches and all.

Late July is food time.  Each supper we have something fresh from the garden.  
Only now it is becoming hard to chose.  
Will we eat fresh potato salad made with baby reds?  Or grilled zucchini?  Cole slaw?  
Cucumber salad? Beans? Fried Eggplant? ................

1 comment:

  1. Your orange cauliflower looks amazing as does your garden, very pretty surrounded by wooded areas.
