Monday, February 14, 2022

Heart Shaped Objects

 Hearts have always been one of my favorite shapes.  It started in grade school when I learned how to cut a perfect one from a folded piece of paper.  Its also a very flexible shape.  They can be fat or skinny or fancy or plain.  They can be edged in lace or made of smooth metal.  I look forward to this time of year when I round up all of my heart shaped objects and come up with some sort of happy vignette.

Tin hearts have become one of my favorite collectibles, whether they are Jell-O molds, ice cream molds or cookie cutters.  Especially if they are baking tins.  There is something about all of the years of bakers pouring love into these tools to make goodies for their Valentines that gives them a special aura.  

The latest addition to my collection is the 1920's Kreamer tart tin.  I've been wanting one for awhile and they only come up once a year or so.  When you see one you can't linger too long over the decision because no matter the price, someone will buy it.  When it arrived in the mail and I opened the packaged I fell in love with it.  It is so cleverly made.  Each one of the heart shapes is individually stamped into its own circle and then set into the larger flat tin.  It is a work of art and it makes my heart happy.

My large spring form pan is also a clever design.  The bottom fits into a very narrow lip and the tip has a slide which pulls off to release the sides.  It would take more than one cake mix to fill this baby!

I've come across several more smaller sized cake pans.  These three are my first finds.  I put them on this shelf back in 2019 and liked them so much they've been there ever since.  I added the swans last year.

As winter wears on these homey touches keep my heart warm.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day.


  1. I simply love the heart cake pans with the swans display. I think especially this year we need lots of love spread around. Even though we can't physically be with everyone we'd like to show our love to, doing so with our minds and hearts has to count for maybe more than we know. What a perfect Valentine's Day post!

    1. Thanks. Yes, we need to spread the happy around.
