Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Keeping an Eye on Things

Our night time temperatures have been dipping into the single digits.  When they start to get into the teens I keep a close eye on my dahlia tubers that I have stored in the basement bulkhead.   When the outside temps are in the teens the dahlia tub will start to dip below 40F.  I do not want them to be below 35F as the optimum storage temperature is 35-50F and freezing will turn them to mush.  So, we moved them from the basement to the woodshop in the two car garage lean to.  We keep that heated to 50F.

I have a remote sensor nestled into the top of the tub.  It is the number above which is circled in red.  The other temperatures are our house (68), the outside temp on the front porch (11) and the basement freezer in which we store all of our meat (0).  This lets me keep a close watch on all of the important temperatures.  

The humidity in the dahlia tub is a little misleading.  It says 99% and the optimum would be between 75% and 85% but the vermiculite passes the touch test and there is no condensation inside the lid.  As long as there is no mold showing anywhere, I would rather err on the side of too much humidity so they do not shrivel up.  Around the first of each month I open up the tub, dig around, and give some of the tubers a pinch to test their condition.  So far, so good.


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