Wednesday, May 29, 2024

"Free" Plants

 There are many ways that gardeners find "free" plants.  Sometimes its a stretch, there is usually some cost associated with it in soil and containers or electricity for lights.  But sometimes we literally pull them out of nowhere.  I put several different kinds of seeds in milk jugs for winter sowing.  Some work, some don't.  This year my snapdragon seeds didn't amount to anything,  When I was pulling weeds in the vegetable garden I noticed a whole bunch of volunteers in the gravel around where the Costa Mix Snapdragons were planted last year.  Which, incidentally, came from winter sown seeds....

I couldn't just throw away free baby plants.  So I stuck them in a cell tray.  After watering them in and setting them in the shade, they all perked right up.  Now I have 50 free plants growing.


  1. Aren’t volunteers amazing?! I have about a million reseeded lettuce plants this year, and they seem to be very happy even growing in the gravel outside the raised beds..? I’ll take it!😄Good luck with those snapdragons- they’re so beautiful!
    ~ Ricki

    1. Things grow great in the gravel. Hydroponically I guess. Luckily they pull easily. If we turned our back for even a year on our gravel areas, we would have a lawn with saplings in no time.

  2. Absolutely! This year the maple saplings have been especially plentiful.. we’d live in a forest in just a few years if we didn’t pull them up! -Ricki
