Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sunny Day

After several days of cool temperatures, mid-40s at night and mid-fifties during the day, we finally got a warm, sunny day and I can open up the cold frame for more than a minute, inspect some of my plants and give them liquid fertilizer.  The cold frame has needed to conserve every degree of temperature it can so I've only taken quick peeks to make sure nothing was drying out.

First are my Orange Hat Micro tomatoes.  This solves the problem of "cherry tomato plants are so BIG!"

Mature size and blooming
Below are my dwarf tomato plants and the Havasu hot peppers that we enjoy as pickled peppers.

These are ready to transplant but looking at the long range forecast, we are still getting night time temperatures below 55F for the next three weeks so I am not in a hurry.  I may go ahead and put the peppers in their large containers, but I will have to keep frost cloth around them and create a little personal cold frame for each container.

The indeterminate tomatoes have been up-potted one more time and are in no hurry to go in the ground.

And finally, my Large Exhibition Coleus Mix.  This is year two for this packet of seeds an they germinated well.  I am happy that I got two of each color so I can pot up a pair of matching planters.  

I also got extra of the Mosaic color which I will use in the planter in front of the chicken coop.  That solves that problem because I was feeling pretty cheap, lazy and uninspired about that planter.  Why not fill it with what are basically "free plants".  I'll just buy a Sweetheart Lime sweet potato plant to spill over the front and I'll be all done.

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