Monday, June 17, 2024

Like a Heat Wave


Nice forecast for June.  We may get a pop up thunderstorm now and then which we really need because it is so dry again.  And with all of the gravel the vegetable garden is up to 10 degrees warmer than the ambient temperature and holds heat over night.  That is very useful during cool spells, but during a heat wave it can be extreme.  

So I broke out the shade cloths.  I usually use these in spring when I am putting out tender transplants.  I know the peas and even the tomatoes could use a break during the hottest part of the day. Especially because they are all flowering now and tomatoes do not set fruit in temperatures exceeding 90F.  I also hope this will conserve some much needed water lost through transpiration as the temperatures heat up.

This lowered the temperature about four degrees.

WE are ready for the heat.  I hope this is not the trend for the whole summer.
Now I'm off to give everything a good soaking to prepare for the day.

**Footnote:  This afternoon cooked up a good summer thunderstorm.  We got half an inch of rain that topped off the rain water tank and dropped the temperature 20 degrees

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