Saturday, June 22, 2024

Vegetable Garden Progress Post HeatWave

 We are reaching the end of our heat wave.  Yesterday around noon the garden thermometer in the shade read 94F.  Then we got the third thunderstorm of the week which was less than a quarter inch, but gave everything a good soaking and delivered nitrogen as only a summer thunderstorm can.  All of the plants are thriving and looking as good as they ever have.  I think the peas, tomatoes and peppers are the best I've ever grown.

Penelope Peas filling out and still blooming like crazy

First planting of Bristol Cucumbers with second planting ready to go in today
Celery on the end.

Pole Beans. Monte Gusto and Seychelles.  Second seeding coming up in the middle of the bed.
I direct sowed Marigolds along each side.  I can't wait for them to fill in and shade out the Purslane weeds which are hard to keep up with in this wonderful growing weather.

Dwarf Tomatoes with Nasturtium along the side.
The thick sturdiness of these tomato stems is amazing.  We'll see how they produce but I am super impressed with the plant structure and growing habit

Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage
The Belstar Broccoli is just about ready to pick.  I don't want to miss its peak and have it bolt in this heat

Indeterminate tomatoes with bell peppers along the side
The Florida Weave support is working well.  Only the bottom two strings are woven.  The third one up needs to be properly woven in today and the plants are just now reaching the fourth string..

Store bought Bell Peppers setting lots of fruit.
I supported them with short bamboo

Havasu Hot Peppers

Below are the Havasu Hot Peppers from June 29 2023.  This year's plants are twice as tall, and covered in little peppers.  The only difference is that this year I added Kelp Meal.  
2023 Peppers

Sweet Potatoes and Herb Bed

Dill Bed, Sweet Potatoes and Carrots

Volunteer Whatsits
These came up from the compost.  It looks like a mixture of cantaloupe and cucumber.  Whatever it is, I am ignoring it.  I haven't watered or fertilized at all.  I thought it might be interesting to see what they are.  They can do what they want unless they become a problem and need to be pulled out.  Sometimes the best production comes from volunteers.

Last Year's Parnsips
These flowers are the most popular thing in the garden right now and every day they are covered in pollinators.

Perhaps I can collect some seed from them

The Hydrangea Bush covered in blooms

So far it has been a wonderful growing year.  Everything is basically on track with past years. (Last Year same time for example)   The Havasu Peppers are way ahead, and the Carrots are behind.  The Pole Beans are also a little behind last year because they had to struggle with very hot dry weather the week they were seeded and many of the first leaves scorched.

I stuck with my decision not to grow sweet corn.  I miss its presence in the garden but I sure don't miss watering it.  

1 comment:

  1. Everything is coming along just swimmingly! I had no idea a summer thunderstorm added nitrogen to plants. I seem to learn something new every time I visit your blog--thanks!
