Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Seedling Progress

Celosia and Vinca

Coleus cuttings, Onions and Sage
The onions are growing well.  I have trimmed them back twice to encourage them to stand up straight.  I transplanted them into pots with potting mix with more perlite and sand added to improve drainage because onions prefer well drained soil.  Next year I will sow two dozen seeds straight into one pot only and pick up some Espoma Cactus Potting Mix so I don't have to play mad scientist with my soil components in deep winter.

The dahlia tubers have been relocated from the workshop to the basement bulkhead and the workshop thermostat has been turned up to 60F.

I write generic names on my initial seed tags so I can reuse them year after year.

In the basement I have micro tomatoes and eggplants germinated and the ornamental peppers are beginning to germinate.  I was very surprised by those Little Prince eggplants. Eggplants are one seed that often take up to two weeks or more to germinate for me.  These took three days.  I went down there two days ago and all four were standing there green and growing, and only one tomato was up.

Today I seeded the broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages and one hot pepper.


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