Monday, March 24, 2025

Transplanting More Seedlings

 I'm right in the middle of transplanting season.  I had to kick two grow lights off of the counter to give me more room.  Everything is growing very well.

Top:  Pink Celosia and Salmon Vinca
Bottom: Onions, Sage and Coleus

I am trying a new set up with LED strip lights.  I mounted them up under the upper cupboards and since the seedlings are still pretty tiny, I don't want to risk them stretching for the light so I raised them up on these wire shelf organizers.

Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbages

These were all transplanted yesterday.  They always look a little confused and disheveled at first so it is nice to come out the next morning and see them all standing up straight and moving on.

Micro Tomatoes and Ornamental Peppers with room for dwarf varieties

Now these tiny little Portulaca were a bit of a challenge.  They could have stayed where they were, but they were the only thing left in their seed tray and I wanted to use it for something else.  I had to put my reading glasses on.  I managed not to drown them with the watering can this time, but I also ordered a large syringe which will deliver their water without risking knocking them down with a flood.

Seeded today were four varieties of Dwarf tomatoes and two varieties of Celosia.

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