My one good producing apple tree is ready to harvest. I am using them as they fall. We've made three pies so far. Each pie takes 2 to 3 of these large apples. I bagged each apple to keep the worms out of them and the tree has maintained about two dozen apples.
Each apple, 12-14 ounces, fills a sandwich bag to bursting
And they are clean and blemish free with none of those nasty acid rain spots. I've heard it said that there is no such thing as a blemish free organic apple in New York. But if you bag them you can pull it off.
Blue Lake 47 going to seed |
The garden is finally winding down. Lettuce is in full swing, those two original cucumber vines are still producing, and we have some green beans and tomatoes. I am letting one row of beans go for seed. The beans were so big and beautiful it makes sense to keep them over for next year
Once the pods go yellow I set them in the sun to dry out |
This is the first of three lettuce plantings that we are picking now |
Anywhere I can protect them from frost, I have lettuce |
I just seeded these planters to bring into the cold frame for the latest lettuce |
These are the first two cucumber vines from seedlings started early May and they just won't quit! |
A pretty respectable fruit for eight steady weeks of production |
The tomato vines are ugly but there are a lot of green tomatoes ripening. I may try making green tomato relish (Chow Chow) because there are a LOT of them |
My Monarch |
I have one lone swamp milkweed that occasionally comes up as a weed in my front perennial bed. It has never flowered, but I protect it for the possibilities of new Monarchs. A couple of weeks ago I was tidying up the day lilies next to the milkweed and I came across a Monarch cocoon on the ground. I probably knocked it off. :( So I picked it up and used a needle and thread to attach it to the inside of a mesh dish cover and set it in the garden shed. I checked it each day and one afternoon when I came home the butterfly was waiting to be let out. I saw it frequently for a couple of days especially around the zinnia bed and now it is gone.
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