Peter Piper Picked a Peck
of Pickled Peppers.
And when you have a peck o' peppers, its time to get pickling.
I am using my Havasu peppers for refrigerator pickles. Now last year I ended up eating these fresh with hummus. They have a nice thick wall and were not particularly hot. Their cone shape makes them perfect to slice up for scooping dip. This year they are hotter and I haven't enjoyed them fresh. Last year I planted them intermixed with Sweet Banana Peppers. There is a rumor out there that if you plant your sweet peppers and your hot peppers together, that the sweet will be hotter and the hots will be sweeter. That would certainly be true if the plants cross pollinated and you planted the seeds. This year it is probably just the weather, but that is how rumors get started. Maybe next year I will buy another pack of Banana Peppers and see...

Anyway, I have all of these (too) hot peppers and I had intended to try pickling them for my husband. I chose a
random recipe off the internet which used ingredients I already had on hand and hit paydirt on the first try. These peppers are awesome pickled and they have been a big hit here for snacking with friends and neighbors for the past few weeks. From the beginning I put a little twist on it of my own.
My ingredient list for one pint is:
1/2 cups white vinegar
1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon mustard seed
1 teaspoon celery seed
1 teaspoon of pink peppercorns
Mix the ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour the liquid into a jar of peppers sliced in spears or rings.
I forgot the sugar in the first photo. Sugar is very important. The brine is wonderfully sweet, then you get the fresh crunch of pepper and finally it socks it to you with the hhhhhot. The amount of hot depends on how much of the seeds and pith you remove when you are slicing your peppers.
The addition of
Brazilian Pink Peppercorns was an inspired choice based on a
pickle kit I've used in the past for dilly beans. I can't get that mix anymore and was thinking I would just recreate it. So I bought pink peppercorns. I haven't gotten around to trying the horseradish beans and I have all these peppercorns...
I make these as refrigerator pickles because I like the fresh crunch. There is no reason why you couldn't water bath can these to make them shelf stable. I feel that the real merit of refrigerator pickles whether they are peppers or dill spears or dilly beans is that they are garden fresh and oh so crunchy. My husband has declared these the tastiest peppers ever and they are so easy.
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