Thursday, June 29, 2023

Vegetable Garden Progress

 The vegetable garden continues to thrive despite the extreme swings in the weather conditions.  Our rain total the other day was four inches but that's the beauty of raised beds.  They drain.  I am beginning to harvest peas and everything else is on schedule.

Gotta Have It Sweet Corn planted May 15th

Penelope Peas planted April 15th

Napoli and Hannah Cantaloupes

Bristol Cucumbers

Cole Crops


Bishop Cauliflower
I was unable to find any yellow cauliflower at the nurseries.  That is our favorite for taste.  I did find some Bishop which is one I have grown myself in the past.  The only downside to white cauliflower is that you have to "blanch" it to keep the head from discoloring and turning an unappetizing beige.  I do this by gathering leaves over it and clipping them.  You have to keep up with it because the head tends to outgrow the arrangement.

Green Cabbages

Red Cabbages

Pole Beans

Monte Gusto yellow pole beans

Carbon Tomato

Carbon Tomato

Barlow Jap Tomato

Pike County Yellow Tomato

Wherokowhai Dwarf Tomato

Mystery Cross Tomato

Havasu Peppers

Clarimore Summer Squash
I plan to try growing this squash in a tower so I've laid the tower rings around the base of the plant.  Last year this variety grew enormous so I am not sure it can be contained.



Mahon Yam Sweet Potato in container
I had originally planned to grow carrots in this container, but they didn't germinate during that hot, dry spell.  So I moved on to plan B.  Then they started to come up.  I am weeding out the late comers because they will be too small for cole slaw season at this point.  But I did leave a few of the earlier ones for now. I imagine the vine will crowd them out but we'll see.

Nantes Half Long Carrots
The earlier batch of carrots germinated in April and have been thinned twice.  I manly want these to go with the cabbages for cole slaw.

Zinnias and some Snapdragons
Thyme, Peas and Strawberries

Dahlias and Marigolds

I have bagged 130 apples on this tree without even bringing out a ladder.  Looks like it will be a good year for apples.
Thyme beneath the Apple Tree

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