Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sept 1st ~ The Beginning of the End

 Today I topped off the remaining tomato plants.  They were getting quite overgrown and setting fruit that won't have time to ripen.  I just used pruners and cut off anything unruly.

I also pulled the zucchini plants because they were starting to show irregular pollination.

I cut the Dill, deadheaded the Herb bed and I am down to one vine of Cantaloupes.

The other day I pulled a few more of the dwarf tomato plants and the pole beans are beginning to look tired out. 

As each bed clears out I am prepping it for next year.

But there is still a lot in there.  Besides the Carrots and Sweet Potatoes there are large side heads forming on the Belstar Broccoli.  I have four growing on three plants.

The Bell Peppers are ready.

These are Majestic Red

The Dahlia bed is no where near slowing down.

The shade containers are gorgeous

The Fire Pit Celosia and new grasses are thriving.

This is the time of year when I just pull out or cut down anything tired and ugly.  Soon we will begin the task of clearing out the perennial beds but by the time I get to each one, a lot of the plants will already have been trimmed back.  Daylilies go first, and then the Hosta.  The grasses will be the last to go.  Autumn is coming.

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