Saturday, September 7, 2024

Belstar Broccoli

I tried a new Broccoli variety this year. Belstar is known for putting out many smaller side shoots for multiple harvests.   This season in Western NY the weather became hot and dry very early. The central broccoli heads were on the small side but the plants still looked healthy. I hoped to keep the plants going throughout July and August and wait for cooler weather to encourage new growth.

A full sized floret on a secondary stalk with fresh leaves

 For many weeks the plants did nothing. Then they started putting out not "side shoots" but whole "side PLANTS" from low on the main stem. 

Multiple shoots per plant

I am harvesting much nicer broccoli now than the original main heads. Four out of the six plants are putting out large side branches, two or more per plant.  

Multiple small florets from the main stem without surrounding leaves.
New leaves are all above the side shoots.

One of the other plants is growing tall from the center and putting out what I would consider to be more normal, small side shoots.  The sixth plant has put out no new growth so far.

The Dud was the first to produce and may be the last to rally.

We're getting some nice bell peppers now too.

This is all going in the freezer for winter veggie stir fry.

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