I never really truly appreciated the impact of our food choices on the environment until I read Barbara Kingsolver's book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life . In it she conducts an experiment, limiting her family to foods grown within a one hundred mile radius for one year. It's doable and it will make you rethink your diet. It made me want to raise turkeys! And, it landed Barbara Kingsolver in the number 74 spot of Bernard Goldberg's 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America ! Heaven forbid we question the elaborate money making scheme of food control before we destroy our environment and ourselves in the process.

I think it is high time Americans remembered how to feed themselves and become more self sufficient, or one of these days, a whole buncha them gonna starve to death. Which is why I signed the petition to Bring Back the Victory Garden. What is a Victory Garden? You mean besides a fun little show on PBS? During World War I and World War II, the United States government asked its citizens to plant gardens in order to support the war effort. Millions of people planted gardens. In 1943, Americans planted over 20 million Victory Gardens, and the harvest accounted for nearly a third of all the vegetables consumed in the country that year. Emphasis was placed on making gardening a family or community effort -- not a drudgery, but a pastime, and a national duty. read more here.

So that is why I garden. To protect the environment... To preserve the diversity of our food source... To control the quality and nutritiousness of what I eat... To remember where I came from and my intimate connection to the earth. Save the world, one garden at a time.
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