Thursday, April 7, 2022

Peas Are Up

Lettuce to the left and Peas to the right

The first planting of peas and the lettuce is up at 17  days.  They were starting to disturb the soil yesterday and last night's rain gave them the encouragement they needed.  It has been a drizzy, dismal day around fifty degrees so we are glad we made the most of the warm sunshine.  

The only bright spot outside is the first daffodils.  I planted these Tête-à-Têtes in fall of 2020.  Last year they came up but the stems were almost as long as a regular daff.  I was a little disappointed because I wanted them short and compact like I have seen in other gardens.  And these weren't particularly cheap at the time compared to regular bulbs.  At last I am able to enjoy them as I'd hoped.
Tête-à-Tête Daffodils


  1. Arrgh! The area where I'll plant my peas is still covered with about a foot of snow and I can't begin to get to where the pea trellises are stored! My two little patches of daffodils are free of snow but not a trace of little green nubbins yet. I'll go on enjoying spring with pictures of your gardens!

    1. Well this morning it is cold and dropping SNOWBALLS. So anything can happen.

  2. It's always exciting to see that first bit of green peeking through the soil!
