Sunday, September 29, 2019

Autumn Countdown

There is not a lot left in the garden, but there is still growing going on.

Most of the beds are cleaned out and being weeded

The second bed of cornstalks is cleaned out

I arrange my stalks around a shepherd's hook and tie them with jute twine
Two beds still have buckwheat in them.

The tomato bed is full of nasturtiums that have re-seeded from the earlier plants

As expected, the older bed of bush beans has begun to flower again

The younger bed of beans is supplying more than enough beans

The cauliflower are growing by leaps and bounds.
I finally had to get serious about covering them with a row cover to keep the butterflies off.

I am still paying the price from my earlier laziness.
Every couple of days I pick caterpillars then hose off all of the 
poop to make them easier to spot next time.

We have plenty of cucumbers still growing

It is apple season.  I have a pot of applesauce cooking on the stove now 
and I needs to make some pies for the freezer.

The lettuce is actually growing...

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