Monday, November 15, 2021

It Seems Winter Has Set In

 This is the third afternoon in a row in which it has snowed chunks.

Sort of pretty and peaceful...

I spent Saturday making Gramma's Molasses Cookies.  These go really well with Glögg and since we are into our third batch of Glögg already it was high time I got going on these.  It was also high time I got going on converting all these ingredients we have stockpiled into something edible

I spent yesterday making lasagna at a leisurely pace.  First I make the meat sauce and let that simmer for awhile, and after that mess is cleaned up and the sauce is ready, I assemble the lasagnas.  I always do two big pans at a time and now we have six months worth of lasagna in the freezer.

And today we ran errands and came home with a whole carload of new ingredients.


  1. We had snow showers but nothing stuck to the ground. Your cookies look so good! 6 months of lasagna can't be all bad....I also like to put future meals in the freezer. Things like soup, chili, meatballs and sauce. Fortunately we are also very happy to eat leftovers. Gary finally got all of his garlic covered with a dump truck of leaves (1200 plants) and now he will find another spot for the last 8 wheelbarrow. We still have carrots and beets in the ground and I don't think our Brussels sprouts are going to mature. You must enjoy having a break from your gardens in the winter. We were both brought up with Swedish traditions...Glogg is heavy duty for me.

  2. It all sounds yummy!
