Thursday, August 8, 2024

Ready for Rain

 I spent my garden time today getting ready for heavy rains.  Hurricane Debby will be here mid-day tomorrow.  Most of the heavy rain is predicted to move to our east, but we will be on the edge where the cold front is coming across the Great Lakes to meet it so we can still have some storms and wind.  There are a few things you want to do in the garden when you know you have some weather coming.

I tied up my Dahlias and removed any older blooms

I picked the zucchinis (which will swell) and the nearly ripe tomatoes (which will crack)

I removed any unsupported branches and damaged, rotting or misshapen fruit

I also applied granular fertilizer to anything that I thought could use it so it can be watered in.  I applied my Milky Spore to get started killing the grubs.  I picked up and put away any wayward supports, pots and tools.

I checked the green beans and picked some to store in the fridge

There are still plenty of blooms to come

Isn't this a pretty little string of pearls?

Spicebush Butterfly

The butterflies seem to sense a change in the weather.  Tomorrow will not be a good day for them to be out and about looking for food so they are gorging themselves today and were therefore quite docile and approachable.  Tomorrow will not be a good day for me to be out and about either so I've done my best to make sure any damage from the wind or rain is minimal and that I've brought in anything useable so I won't have to run out in the rain.


  1. Beautiful fruit and flowers. It has been raining steadily here all day, since early AM. Thankfully there is no wind with it.

  2. You are wise to prepare! Best of luck with the storm.
