Saturday, August 10, 2024

Feels Like Fall

 The hurricane spent twelve hours delivering less than half an inch of gentle rain and today is cool and cloudy and feels like October.  The garden is happy.

The indeterminate tomatoes are on the verge of ripening

I started some of my late season chores getting empty beds ready for next year.

We completed the last of the power pole projects.  We sank some gateposts next to the driveway into the area we cleared of trees back in 2021.  

The hard part was not planting the poles, it was getting them to match in height and location.

The poles mark the edges of the culvert pipe so if you take a big truck in there you won't accidentally hang a wheel off over the ditch.  And, if we want to we can string a chain across there to keep people from pulling in.  So far that hasn't been  problem.

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