Sunday, June 20, 2021

Out Walkin' Around


Will today be the day the daisies bloom?

Bosc Pear

Bartlett Pears

The pear tree is looking nice.  
The creeping thyme at is feet I started from seed.
This cushions the ground if the fruit drops

This is what gave me the idea of planting thyme under the pear tree
This thyme started as three plants next to the rocks.
The flowering areas are Lemon Thyme and Variegated Thyme.
The English Thyme is the green blob!

We've been making good use of the chipper shredder

Our beautiful London Plane trees.

They were planted back in 2012.
They were pretty nice trees then but their growth still astounds us

The view from our neighbor's driveway.
I love this lawn but they get to see it more than we do!

This is the tree we planted twice
It will never be as nice as the three replacement trees, but this shows their unique bark.
Its more like tree skin.
A different view of the garden

Just look at those potato plants!

COVERED in blooms

Well that was my morning stroll.  That's how I make my list for everything that needs to be done that day.  The things that bother me most go on the to do list and off I go....

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