Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Undo Redo Day #2

 We got that step replaced today.  Not a big job, but a tedious one.

You have to dig everything out first.

There was not much left of that tie.
Darn Yellow Jackets!  
They were always trying to nest in it and stinging my ankles when I walked by,

All better.

I also got all of my grow thru grids placed.  I keep an inventory of what I have and a list of what plants need them each year, and what size.  I put them on any long stemmed plant to keep the heavy flower heads from bending their stems and splitting the plant.  I also use them over Hosta to deter the deer.  There are at least two grasses that I always have to tie up in a heavy rain and this will prevent the clump from splitting.

There are a few reasons why I like to get them out early.
#1 it stops the deer from nibbling on the green shoots before I get around with the repellant spray.
#2 its never too early to get the grid over the plant.  When it is tall and flopping over, its too late.
#3 when you are tromping around in the garden you can step on new shoots and set the plant back.
#4 it helps my husband identify new shoots when he is weeding and mulching in spring.

Hopefully, we can get started on mulch tomorrow.  The lawn is hardening up enough to drive the tractor on but not so much that it will be difficult digging.  Last year we had the whole west side and the frontage mulched by now,

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