Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Here Comes the Food

 I have been picking cucumbers for a few days, but now they are coming in dozens.

Clarimore Zucchini, Sun Sugar cherry tomatoes and Bristol Cucumbers

A shout out to my husband for spray painting the strawberry cage making it look brand new,
I painted it a couple of years ago, but I used two cans of paint and he used seven!

I noticed today that my Button Bush is flowering!

This came mail order April 2023 in a 3.5" pot.  Now it is hip high and five feet across.

So cool!

Itty Bitty Bunny
very shy
and wiggly


  1. Great post title. I'm always impressed with how tidy and organized your garden looks. (I don't call mine "wildside" for no reason!)

    1. Its tidy because of all of the structure and gravel. It really makes everything so easy and I can spend a little time each day doing simple tasks to maintain. I have plenty of wild spots to keep me balanced!
