Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rain Rain Go Away


We are still stuck in the remnants of Hurricane Beryl.  We got a little over a quarter of an inch of rain yesterday, but today it is just lightly raining on and off about every 20 minutes which makes it impossible to get any gardening done.  But I've been out there wandering around

Two days ago I hung my Japanese Beetle Traps.  I have very few beetles these days due to many years of Milky Spore and hand picking.  I know that every time you mention beetle traps online someone will tell you that the traps draw more beetles into your garden.  Here's my theory on that:  Well, of course they draw them in.  How am I going to control them if they're not here?  If no one else in the neighborhood wants to try to kill them, I'll just do it myself.

Yesterday during a tornado warning and accompanying downpour we collected up and hauled home some power pole remnants for a couple of hardscape projects.  That pile there is going to be a lot of work.

I've been watching the next door neighbor's vegetable garden.  I gave them ^those ^ cucumber plants.  They are the same variety as mine, the same number of plants, seeded the same day, just transplanted four days later than mine.  The neighbors also use the same fertilizer that I do (Garden-Tone)  My cucumber plants are below.  I credit my soil and compost.  They turn their soil every spring.  I just layer on more compost and mulch with leaves.

We're going to have lotsa cucumbers very soon.

As well as bell peppers.

The Orange Hat micro tomatoes are doing well.  They are absolutely covered with tomatoes.  I pick one or two ripe ones a day.

A volunteer Nasturtium in the herb bed just ready to bloom

Apple Blossom Dahlia

Hootenany Dahlia

Happy Single Date Dahlia

The next one to open will be Bumble Rumble

Lady Bug on the Parsnips
I did brave the rain for awhile today to dig up some Karley Rose grass (below on the left) that was in a wet spot and not at all happy.  I am going to try Niagara Falls Switchgrass instead (all the way right) and put the Karley Rose along the newly rocked edge.  There is also a Lemon Squeeze Pennisetum ready to go in and two darker colored Penstemon in the back that have already bloomed and been cut back.  The Sweet Romance Lavender is going somewhere else.

Back row left to right:  Karley Rose, Onyx and Pearls Penstemon, Husker's Red Penstemon, Niagara Falls Switchgrass
Front Row: Lemon Squeeze Pennisetum and Sweet Romance Lavender

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