Monday, July 1, 2024

July 1 Vegetable Update

 The rain, the heat and the sunshine have served their purpose...

Peas are done but won't be pulled until they start to yellow out so I can save remaining seeds

Cucumber and Celery

Wax Beans and Green Pole Beans  Marigolds down the side

Dwarf Tomatoes plus an Early Girl this end

Adelaide Festival Dwarf Tomatoes

The last Broccoli (main head) and the first Flame Cauliflower

Early Jersey Cabbage

Indeterminate Tomatoes and Bell Peppers

Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye

Herb Bed

Dill Sweet Potatoes and Carrots
I noticed later that the Dill is beginning to flower

Havasu Hot Peppers

Volunteer Cantaloupes

Clarimore Summer Squash

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