Monday, July 29, 2024

Poop Deck Maintenance

As happens with many projects, you get one thing nicely refreshed and suddenly there are satellite projects that need to be addressed.  Yesterday it was Poop Deck Maintenance.  This is the area where I process my compost.  The Compost pile is almost always up against the Railroad Ties and this has rotted them out.  This... and the darn Viburnum roots.

The Poop Deck was constructed back in 2012 and it has held up very well.  In the corner, both second level ties were disintegrating, but the base ties below, and the cap ties were still OK.  We did have a couple of spare RR ties stored away for projects like this, and we had two ties that would work.
First you have to tear everything apart, and I was actually cleaning the house, so I did not arrive on scene until it was time to put things back together.  We propped the new ties above their designated spots, and then using the chainsaw, cut them to fit.
Two new corner ties.
And then all put back together.  It looks like nothing happened, but in reality it was eight hours of hot sweaty work with a lot of stinky creosote and some serious laundry generation.  Still to be done: drilling holes for new rerod and driving rods to pin the wall together.

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