Tuesday, July 30, 2024

End of July Vegetable Update ~ Too Many Everything

 A photo dump of everything in the garden today.  I am at the point of the harvest when I ask myself "what were you thinking?!?"  We need rain badly.  The rainwater tank still has water

Both plantings of Bristol cucumbers and celery
The celery in the pot has self blanched and I have newspaper wrapped around one of the others

Plenty of slicers for us and everybody else
I put together a crock of fermented dills today from the pickling cukes

Pole Beans

Seychelles producing well
The Monte Gusto yellows are still a little green to pick

Direct sown Durango Marigolds 
Such an orderly little row

Dwarf Tomatoes  Early Girl on left end
The dwarfs beat the Early Girls

If I have any complaint about these dwarf varieties it is that they produce large clumps of tomatoes on short stems close to the body of the plant.  Extracting them undamaged is akin to brain surgery.

The first Adelaide Festival fruit I picked was a whopping 15 ounces.
That is respectable for any tomato variety.  They are not all that large but all are nice sized

Beautiful and delicious

The broccoli have not put out any side shoots.  I am trying to keep the plants in good shape to try for cooler weather.

Two Early Jersey Cabbages left

A wall O' tomat-O
After I took pictures I drove two T-posts in the middle, one on each side
The Florida weave is working very well

Black Beauty

There is an abundance of HUGE tomatoes in there

I started picking before I remembered I should be taking pictures.  These are very productive little plants

Awesome peppers!

more Awesome peppers!
Some of these hot Havasu went in to flavor the dill pickles

Herb bed and Sweet Potato
Those white flowers are Feverfew.  The pollinators couldn't care less about them

Too Much Dill
and carrots and more sweet potatoes

The volunteer Cantaloupes
I promise that these have not been given a single drop of water or fertilizer

I went back and looked, and last year I planted both Napoli and Hannah  So technically, these melons will be a hybrid.  No telling yet how they will turn out.  Some are quite smooth and green

Others have a nice netting

Two Clarimore plants.  Way more zucchini than any neighborhood can use

Late planted Cue Ball Zucchini

The Snapdragons that I yanked out of the gravel are beginning to bloom

Toad in a Hole

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